IoT based Smart Security Helmet for Mining Industry

Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology
Votes : 6

In today’s fast paced life most of accidents happen due to drinking and driving. Most of the countries are forcing the motorists to wear a helmet. However rules are being violated by uncivilized citizens. In present day scenario we encounter numerous cases of death due to two wheeler road accidents. The main reason being severe head injuries. Despite of the fact that helmets are available everywhere, people are not wearing them. Thus the objective of this project is to make sure people wear helmets and then ride bikes. Another objective is to know the rider’s environmental condition. It also has a toxic gas detector sensor which detects whether the person is drunk too much. One more objective is to reduce the fatality of the accidents by sending a message to the rider’s relative about the accident.
Hardware used :
ESP8266 microcontroller
Gas sensor
Vibration sensor
DHT11 sensor
Mobile phone
12v Dc power adaptor
5v power supply unit
Connecting wires and jumpers
Software used :
Arduino IDE
Third party cloud

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