Smart Pen
June 7, 2019
In the recent era, perfection is an essential entity that defines the work of a person and the determination of an individual towards his work. It is the most important aspect to draft the tasks carried out and form a document that speaks the e orts of an individual. Thereby, for a perfect documented work or even for the formal written communication, person must reduce the literature mistakes, i.e., spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation mark misplaced, etc. This practice of improvement like knowing the correct word spellings can be inculcated into the person from his childhood days, when he can grasp maximum knowledge thrown onto him.
A child is always casual for the mistakes to be corrected and thereby, as a general practice, whenever the teacher of a subject corrects the spelling of the word given in his homework, he often doesn’t bother to look into it and repeats the same mistake until he is made to remember the correct spelling of that word. Hence, it would be a good practice, if he/she is suggested the correct word spellings on the real time while writing. This will instantaneously pinch the child regarding his wrong spelling and the child will be advised to correct it. The system must be made smart enough to recognize the word and display the correct spelling of the word, just as the messaging application in our smart phone usually points out the correct spelling.
Our project focuses on an efficient method of identifying the English alphabet written in real-time. For documented work or formal written communication, the writer is expected to reduce literature errors, such as grammatical errors, spelling errors, etc. Our idea develops this kind of training-based system which is capable to recognize the English alphabet in the real-time and corrects the mistakes done by the user.