Advanced Trash Management with IOTA
June 16, 2019
The time is now capable to write down a definition of what a smart city is. Like its ancestors, smart city now has all the factors in place to become a reality. The cities that grew out of the agricultural revolution, and then later the industrial revolution, were driven by similar factors — increased population and technological advances that facilitated and drove a change in living conditions. The modern city has these same factors, but on a much larger scale; the global population, as mentioned earlier, is growing exponentially and we need ways of dealing with it.
The pressure of population on resources is a major factor to smarten up our current city models. And, the technology to do so is finally here in the form of hyper-connectivity, improved and cheaper sensors, AI, and data analytics. The clue here is in the data; data is the new energy in the modern smart city. Data, or rather the analysis and application of these data, will be the pivot upon which the smart city turns. So a smart city should have a combination of ways technology improves important aspects and tasks of cities, like monitoring water and air, waste management, parking, lights, and vehicles.
In this project we focus on improving smart waste management in a district ( encompassing many smart cities) with help of smart bins and IOTA tangle to accelerate the process of smart waste management and reduce congestion, pollution and help in improving energy optimization.
One of the major issues in waste management is non-optimized garbage collection truck routes.Truck routes that are not optimized lead to the use of excessive fuel and produce congestion in densely populated cities. In addition, some bins may end up being overfilled and others under-filled as a result.So what we are actually going to solve is the optimization of garbage collection truck routes so as to avoid the congestion and excessive fuel usage.
This is how the project is going to work. We are connecting fill level sensors in the waste bins which continuously monitors the fill level inside the bin. At every morning at a fixed time (say, 7.00 am) the data is uploaded to the tangle. A garbage truck driver is able to retrieve data from the node using a suitable device and he can optimize the truck route.